
General Internal Rules & Regulations for Trainees 

General Internal Rules & Regulations for Trainees

L6352-3 and L6352-4 to R6352 of the Labour Code


Article 1 – Purpose and scope of the rules

The present internal regulations apply to all persons participating in a training course organised by CEDEP

The regulations define the rules of hygiene and safety, the general and permanent rules relating to discipline as well as the nature and scale of sanctions that may be taken against trainees who contravene them and the procedural guarantees applicable when a sanction is envisaged.

All persons must comply with the terms of these rules throughout the training course.


Article 2 – General principles

The prevention of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to respect :

  • the applicable health and safety regulations on the training premises ;
  • any instructions imposed either by the management of the training organisation or by the manufacturer or the trainer, particularly with regard to the use of the equipment and premises made available.

Each trainee must therefore ensure his or her personal safety and that of others by complying with general and specific health and safety instructions.

If he/she notices a malfunction in the safety system, he/she shall immediately inform the management of the training organisation.

Failure to comply with these instructions exposes the person to disciplinary sanctions.

However, in accordance with Article R.6352-1 of the Labour Code, when training takes place in an establishment that already has internal regulations, the health and safety measures applicable to trainees are those of the latter regulations.

The Covid-19 epidemic instructions are below

Article 3 – Fire instructions

The fire instructions and in particular a map showing the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits are posted in the entrance hall of the premises where the training takes place. The trainee must take note of them.

In the event of an alarm, the trainee must cease all training activities and calmly follow the instructions of the authorised representative of the training organisation or the emergency services.

Any trainee who witnesses the start of a fire must immediately call the emergency services by dialling 18 from a fixed telephone or 112 from a mobile telephone and alert a representative of the training organisation.

Article 4 – Alcoholic beverages and drugs

The introduction or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises is strictly forbidden. It is forbidden for trainees to enter or remain in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs on the premises where the training takes place.

Article 5 – Access to the hot drinks dispensing station

Depending on the location of the training course, trainees may be required to enter the hot drinks dispensing station.

Article 6 – No smoking

In application of the modified decree n° 2006-1386 of 15 November 2006, setting the conditions for the application of the ban on smoking in public places and/or places assigned for collective use, smoking is prohibited in the training rooms as well as in the rest of the premises of the training venue (room where classes, rehearsals, juries take place, including in the toilets…)

Article 7 – Accident

The trainee who is the victim of an accident – occurring during the training or during the journey between the training venue and his/her home or accommodation – or the witness of such an accident, shall immediately inform the management of the training organisation.

The head of the training organisation shall take the appropriate steps to seek medical attention and file a declaration with the competent social security fund.


Article 8 – Attendance of the trainee in training

Article 8.1. Training timetable

Trainees must comply with the timetables set and communicated in advance by the training organisation. Failure to comply with these schedules may result in sanctions.

Except in exceptional circumstances, trainees may not be absent during training hours.

Article 8.2. Absence, lateness or early departure

In the event of absence, lateness or departure before the scheduled time, trainees must notify the training organisation and justify themselves. The training organisation shall immediately inform the funder (employer, administration, OPCO, Pôle emploi, etc.) of this event. Any event that is not justified by particular circumstances constitutes a fault that is liable to disciplinary sanctions.

Full attendance at the training course is required in order to obtain the certificate linked to the course followed.

Any absence must be exceptional and will require a written justification.

In addition, the trainee will have to make up any missed modules, which will be invoiced to him/her as of right.

Article 8.3. Formalism attached to the follow-up of the training

The trainee is required to fill in the attendance sheet as the course progresses.

The trainee must complete the end-of-training evaluation.

At the end of the training course, the trainee will receive a certificate of completion.

Article 9 – Dresscode and behaviour

The trainee is invited to come to the organisation in correct dress. For the sake of neutrality, they must refrain from wearing any ostentatious sign of philosophical, religious, political or trade union membership.

All trainees are asked to behave in a way that ensures respect for the basic rules of good manners and community life and the smooth running of training courses, and in particular to comply with the internal rules of the training venues.

All trainees are also required to comply with the instructions given by the representative of the Authority responsible for issuing the certification of (YOUR ORGANISATION).

The jury, which is responsible for policing the competition or examination, may decide to exclude (at the beginning of the test, during the test or afterwards in the light of the test report) any candidate whose dress or behaviour is such as to disturb the progress of the test or to compromise the equal treatment of the candidates.

They must respect the facilities and equipment provided and must not disrupt the smooth running of the course or the jury.

Use of mobile phones

The use of mobile phones is prohibited. It must be switched off and stored by each student in his/her personal belongings.

Students are asked to ensure that their mobile phones and/or watches do not ring during lessons and examinations.

Article 10 – Use of equipment and computers

Unless specifically authorised by the management of the training organisation, the use of the training equipment is carried out on the training premises and is exclusively reserved for the training activity.

The trainee may have access to the computers, photocopiers and the library of the training organisation or the training venue. The trainee is required to keep the equipment entrusted to him/her for the training in good condition. He/she must use it in accordance with its purpose and according to the rules issued by the instructor. The trainee must immediately inform the instructor of any anomaly in the equipment.

The use of the equipment for personal purposes is forbidden.

Article 11 – Recordings, photographs

The trainee authorises the training organisation to use photographs and audio recordings taken during classes and concerts, as well as extracts of audiovisual recordings of a total duration of less than 3 minutes, for promotional purposes for the training organisation.

All other uses of recordings longer than 3 minutes will be subject to a separate agreement.

The audio and/or video recording of courses by trainees, for strictly personal use, is authorised, and even recommended, subject to the teacher’s acceptance.

Article 12 – Teaching documentation

The educational documentation provided during the training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be reused other than for strictly personal use.

Article 13 – Liability in the event of theft or damage to trainees’ personal property

The training organisation declines all responsibility in the event of damage, loss or theft of objects belonging to trainees, as well as their instruments, which may occur during training sessions in its administrative premises or on the premises where the training sessions take place.


Article 14 – Disciplinary measures

Any failure by the trainee to comply with any of the provisions of these internal regulations may be subject to a penalty imposed by the head of the training organisation or his representative.

Any action considered to be wrongful may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one of the following sanctions

  • call to order ;
  • written warning by the director of the training organisation or his representative
  • temporary exclusion from the course
  • permanent exclusion from the training course (it is recalled that in the agreement signed by the organisation with the State or the Region, specific provisions are defined in the event of the application of the above sanctions).

Fines or other financial penalties are prohibited.

The head of the training organisation or his or her representative shall inform the following of the sanction imposed

  • the course funder.

Any failure to comply with these rules will be recorded in the minutes of the certification jury, as will any incident that occurs during the course of the jury. The members of the jury decide on the facts, incidents and cases of fraud that are recorded in the minutes. In the event of proven fraud, the jury decides to expel the candidate and award a zero mark. The organising authority also reserves the right to exclude the candidate permanently from the certification.

 Article 15 – Disciplinary safeguards

 Article 15.1 – Informing the trainee

No penalty may be imposed on a trainee without the latter having been informed in advance of the charges against him. However, where an act considered to be wrongful has made it essential to take the precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect, no definitive sanction relating to this act may be taken without the trainee having first been informed of the charges against him/her and, where appropriate, the procedure described below having been followed.

Article 15.2. – Call for an interview

When the Director of the training organisation or his representative is considering imposing a sanction, he will proceed as follows

  • he shall summon the trainee – by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or delivered to the person concerned against a receipt – indicating the purpose of the summons;
  • the summons also indicates the date, time and place of the interview as well as the possibility of being assisted by a person of the trainee’s choice, whether a trainee or an employee of the training organisation.

Article 15.3. – Possible assistance during the interview

During the interview, the trainee may be assisted by a person of his/her choice. The Director or his representative will state the reason for the proposed sanction and will hear the trainee’s explanations.

Article 15.4. – Imposition of the sanction

The sanction may not be imposed less than one clear day or more than fifteen days after the interview. The trainee will be notified of the penalty in writing, stating the reasons, by registered letter or by delivery against receipt.

SECTION 4: TRAINEE REPRESENTATION (section applicable only to actions lasting more than 500 hours)

Article 16 – Organisation of elections

In courses lasting more than 500 hours, a full delegate and an alternate delegate shall be elected at the same time in a two-round uninominal ballot, in accordance with the following arrangements:

All trainees shall be eligible to vote, except prisoners. The ballot shall take place during the training hours, at the earliest 20 hours and at the latest 40 hours after the beginning of the course;

The head of the training organisation is responsible for organising the ballot. The head of the training organisation is responsible for the organisation of the ballot and ensures that it runs smoothly. He/she shall send a report on the lack of participation, transmitted to the regional prefect with territorial jurisdiction, when the representation of trainees cannot be guaranteed.

Article 17 – Term of office of trainees’ delegates

The delegates are elected for the duration of the traineeship. Their functions end when they cease, for whatever reason, to participate in the course. If the titular delegate and the alternate delegate have ceased to hold office before the end of the course, a new election shall be held.

Article 18 – Role of the trainees’ delegates

The delegates shall make all suggestions for improving the course and the living conditions of the trainees in the training organisation. They shall present all individual or collective complaints relating to these matters, to health and safety conditions and to the application of the internal regulations.


Article 19 – Method of distribution of the Internal Regulations

These Internal Rules are attached to the invitation to attend the training organisation or the sponsor and must be accepted by the trainees before any final registration.

These Internal Regulations shall take effect on 1st January 2023.

ANNEXES to the Internal Regulations

Specific recommendations to be followed during the health crisis (Covid-19)

These recommendations will be applied according to current Government legislation; they may be modified at any time depending on the evolution of the health context.

A self-diagnosis is available on page 5, in order to assess your state of health before going to a training course (YOUR ORGANISATION).


  • Wearing a mask is mandatory if distancing cannot be achieved.
  • Hand washing is compulsory on entering and leaving the centre.
  • The protective elements are provided by the centre for the speakers and trainees who are not equipped (mask and hydro-alcoholic gel).
  • At the start of each session, and as many times as necessary during the training, the trainer or any employee of (YOUR ORGANISATION) will explain to the trainees the correct use of the protective equipment and the barrier gestures.
  • Hand washing on entering and leaving the premises is mandatory.
  • Respect for the location and equipment allocated to each trainee and speaker (chair, desk, wipes, hydro-alcoholic solution) will be required.
  • Used disposable protective items must be disposed of in the dedicated bins only.


  • Specific planning has been put in place to limit contact. Speakers and trainees must scrupulously respect the times, rooms and break times defined.
  • A room is allocated to a group for the entire duration of the training courses.
  • Persons present on the premises are not allowed to park in the corridors and in front of the entrances, including training rooms and toilets.


  • Meals are allowed on the premises
  • Distancing must be respected during breaks.
  • Some equipment is not available: fridge and microwave.

In the event of evocative symptoms, the stakeholders will be informed and will have to ensure that a screening test is carried out in a centre set up for this purpose. The suspected person cannot be accepted again without the result of this test.

Questionnaire on the state of health of the persons participating in the training

This form constitutes a self-diagnosis. It allows you to assess your state of health before going to the training site or upon arrival.

Under no circumstances should this questionnaire lead to the collection and recording of records

  • Do you think you have or have had a fever in the last few days (chills, sweats)?
  • Do you have aches and pains?
  • In the last few days, do you have a cough or an increase in your usual cough?
  • In the last few days, have you noticed a strong decrease or loss of your sense of taste or smell?
  • In the last few days, have you had a sore throat?
  • In the last 24 hours, have you had diarrhoea? with at least 3 loose stools
  • In the last few days, have you felt unusually tired?
  • In the last 24 hours, have you noticed an INHABITUAL shortness of breath when you talk or make a small effort?

The presence of one or more of these symptoms is a warning. You should stay at home or go home and

You should stay at home or return home and contact your doctor by telephone or call the or call the emergency number.

If your symptoms worsen with breathing difficulties and signs of choking, call the Samu-Centre 15.