
NNE a valuable CEDEP club Member

Find out why Silas Volfing, Vice President HR at NNE, thinks CEDEP is unique

In an ever changing and uncertain world, where it’s difficult to predict the future, leaders need to adapt quickly by challenging their own conventions and assumptions. That’s why Danish pharma-engineering company NNE is partnering with CEDEP to take advantage of best practice sharing between members tackling similar leadership challenges in different industries.

Find out how NNE is benefitting from open exchange between our member companies and why Silas Egelund Volfing, Vice President HR at NNE, thinks CEDEP is unique.

Find more information about our Club members and NNE here

Solve your business, strategy, leadership and people challenges at CEDEP, a global executive education club where minds meet, grow and succeed together. For more information about how to become a member, contact Mohsen at
