
Learning Partners / Partners / EQUILIBRIA

Intentional Leadership & Communication Workshop – E-Colors by Equilibria

Leading intentionally Through Personality Diversity


Equilibria is one of CEDEP’s Academic Partners. They developed the E-Colors tool, which is a Personality Diversity Indicator (PDI) designed to help improve communication skills, analyze behaviours and determine working and learning habits to help managers work at a more effective level.

The communication workshop is an introduction to one of the three essential areas of organisational behaviour with a focus on individual behaviour. In this area, largely inspired by the work of psychologists and using Equilibria’s E-Colors tool, the workshop will explore the field of personality and how managers can use their Emotional Intelligence to influence the behaviour of their employees, and positively impact their performance at work. Emotional Intelligence refers to a set of faculties, soft skills and competences that impact on how people respond to the pressure and needs of the environment. Managers who can understand their own emotions and analyse those of others are likely to be more effective at work.

Today, managers must now include emotional intelligence in their skills, especially when their position requires a significant amount of social interactions.

Main Objectives

Learn about the basics of the E-Colors and understand Personal Intervention Tools that will enable you to:

  • Improve self-awareness and manage individual behaviour to make the right choices, enhancing intentional actions and leadership
  • Improve relationships and team efficiency
  • Enhance communication skills
  • Improve team communication
  • Have fun learning about different personality styles

Learning Journey

  •  Equilibria and E-Colors foundation
  • Understanding the history behind Personality Diversity
  • Perception
  • Foundation Personality exercise
  • Effective communication
  • Personality & Character
  • Personal Intervention – a behavioural management tool
  • Team communication
  • How to lead intentionally
  • Explore practical applications
  • Wrap up and takeaways
  • Acquire a deep knowledge of yourself
  • Explore new ways to make decisions
  • Discover new tools to better analyse situations and solve personality conflicts
  • Learn how to effectively communicate inside a team and boost efficiency by turning personality diversity into an asset
  • Have the skills and confidence to give your teams the support they need through better understanding of the team personality

Set up

Multi-company programme

To share insights, experiences and knowledge with other companies across varied industries


2 hours

Ideal Participant

The workshop is for managers and functional leaders. Those whose success depends on connecting and engaging people and teams, and working effectively across different functions, cultures and regions. They may also be in charge of implementing important initiatives within their organisation. Ideal for high potential leaders who have gained managerial experience on-the-job and are ready to expand their horizons, breakdown silos, have more responsibility, and lead larger transversal teams.

Sales, Marketing & Communication

Please contact Muriel Pailleux for more information.

+ 33 (0)7 85 45 63 18